..need to get rid of this pimple mark/s on my left cheek.... pls, pls GO AWAY!!!
..yes, yes, yes... this was the pimple mark noticed by the RBA employer... :( the one on my left cheek area! :( that's me when i don't have any make up on my face at all.....pale, pale,pale! good morning everyone! :)
..indeed, a Flight Attendant hopeful should have a clear (oh sooo clear) face... tsk tsk... :( why am i not blessed with a zit-free face??? :( why is it that when i have zit/s, it will leave me a brown mark/spot on my face??? haaayyyyy.. :(
..i decided to have my derma procedure/treatment done by Dra. Majella Arenas of Xensiderm.. :) very nice and supportive dermatologist... i recommend her to you guys... :)
..Dra Madge just finished applying anesthesia here... need to wait for 30 minutes for the anesthesia to take effect... :)
..i look so serious here??? deep inside i'm praying 'coz i'm so damn nervous with the procedure... saw the fine needles that will roll my face then.... crappy! :-(
..this shots were during the actual procedure... oh gawd, eventhough there's anesthesia, still i felt the pain... terribly painful... :-( sorry for these pictures, yeah i know..bloody...gross ryt?.. yick!
..procedure done! i SURVIVED the first session... yhay! five more sessions to go on the coming weeks... :)
..bought these things after... will be needing these sunblock and hypo soap, as well as the other solutions given by YSA Skin Care as recommended by Dra Madge... =)
..for me, i'll take my RBA experience as a "challenge".... :) if i'm not meant for RBA, then i think and i believe i deserve something much better than that... :) Nothing is impossible with God... :)
..and to tell you, i had a very important message today from God in my FB account...
On this day, God wants you know....that there is a time and a season for everything. It may be a time of new beginnings, a time of growth, a time of reaping the harvest of hard work, or a time of rest. Trust this beautiful order. Everything in its time. =)
..perfect timing right?.. :) and i take this message as a SIGN... :) yhay!!! :)
..May God bless us all... :)
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